sweetang, 36 year old woman
One of my friends says, "We have body, mind and soul. Body needs food, mind needs thoughts, and soul needs another soul." I think it is around statement. My body and mind are fine, but my soul needs another soul.
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Funfilledrob, 64 year old man
My philosophy of life is to always try and find the good in people and be open minded. I am a passionate, intelligent, fun loving man who has a touch of class and a young point of view. Have learned to take life as it comes, know who I am and where I am going. I love to have adventures,...
My philosophy of life is to always try and find the good in people and be open minded. I am a passionate, intelligent, fun loving man who has a touch of class and a young point of view. Have learned to take life as it comes, know who I am and where I am going. I love to have adventures,...