Natem, 32 year old man
I love doing new things and meeting new people.
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dh1010, 68 year old man
I am gentle,don't look like my age,not perfect but always working towards perfection. I care about myself by taking care of myself. I am honest, (perhaps to a fault), loyal, has respect for others, affectionate even in public but not disrespectfully so, caring, committed to my beliefs as well as those of significant other, always would feel ’proud’ not jealous...
I am gentle,don't look like my age,not perfect but always working towards perfection. I care about myself by taking care of myself. I am honest, (perhaps to a fault), loyal, has respect for others, affectionate even in public but not disrespectfully so, caring, committed to my beliefs as well as those of significant other, always would feel ’proud’ not jealous...