BlondSwagger posted on janet669's wall:
Hey what's up, young but hit me up. Maybe we can chat on snap?
- Nov 29, 2019
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Looking for a hot chat and trading photos
Hey what's up, young but hit me up. Maybe we can chat on snap?
Hey, what's up? I'm young but let me know if it isn't a problem, hit me up. Maybe we could even talk on snap?
Hey what's going on? Hit me up, maybe we could get on snap? I'm young but if that's not a problem let me know.
Hey what's up? Hit me up, maybe we could get in snap?
Hey, what's going on? Would you like to connect on snap? Just hit me up and let me know.
Hey, I'm 17 and I'm interested. Do you want to send me your snap? I thought that be the easiest, but whatever you think.